30 April, 2018

All you need is love...no no no, I mean this cuisine!

Image result for naan
Indian cuisine is partly known for being extremely flavorful. Also, many Indian dishes are cooked in vegetable oil, but peanut oil is popular in northern and western India, mustard oil in eastern India, and coconut oil along the western coast, especially in Kerala. Indian food is also sometimes extremely spicy! Some main specialty dishes are Naan. Naan is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread found in the cuisines of the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia. Dal is a term in the Indian subcontinent for dried, split pulses. The term is also used for various soups prepared from these pulses. Also, Vadas is a savory fried snack from India. Different types of vadas can be described variously as fritters, cutlets, doughnuts, or dumplings.           ↗


  1. If I were you I would fix the second sentence to be more than one sentence but I like how you list all of the popular foods.

  2. If I were you I would fix the second sentence to be more than one sentence but I like how you list all of the popular foods. I love how you add to the writing with description.

  3. I like how you defined the words, I learned some new things. The definitions of these foods made me really hungry! I agree with you when you said that Indian food can be really spicy, which is one down side to it in my opinion. But naan bread is really good! I like you topic!


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