23 March, 2017

A Covered Up Hope

Whenever someone says "movie sets", you generally would think of green screens, props, lights, and cameras in Hollywood, but many movie are filmed out of the Americas and in other more diverse countries. For example one of the best franchises, if not the best franchise of films, Simply known as... Star Wars. Produced by George Lucas, this film obviously had many special effects, such as light-sabers, outer-space species, and the ships in space. But some special effects cant just be made, and for almost every Star Wars film, (including the prequels) has a scene on a sand planet, whether it is the planet of Jakku in The Force Awakens, or on Tatooine in all of the Star Wars films I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. The set of these films included villages, such as the Tuskan raider village or The slave homes on Tatooine. So people built temporary buildings for Star Wars and when they were done, the producers left the props and homes there. There are still items there such as a large sand snake skeleton, (say that ten times fast) a few homes, and Luke Skywalkers home from "A New Hope". People used to visit this place regularly but now, because of sandstorms, some of these cool buildings and props are buried. Remember that sand snake I hinted at? well, That thing was found by a paleontologist and claimed a new species, until... he got busted by Lucas co.
Image result for star wars set africa

1 comment:

  1. This article is very interesting involving Star Wars, a movie set in space, but a planet based on a area on Earth. I also find that the huts Luke and his uncle and aunt lived in could be buried under sand. Watching that movie and seeing how big they are just amazed me on how they could be buried. Thank you and good job!


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