22 March, 2017

Lions Deserve To Run Not Have Their head On Your Wall.

Hunting for a trophy is an awful. It’s very disgusting, hunting endangered species is just awful. If a whole continent’s  lion population is 25,000, this means that there are about 3,000 adult trophy males in Africa. Then estimate 40% occur in strictly protected areas. Which leads to a “huntable” total of 1,800 male lions. Trophy harvests have averaged 665 exports per year. A new awful threat, that has recently went on the media’s attention is the trade in lion bones. In other words I honestly don't think that people should do this. What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I strongly agree with you. Trophy hunting should be stopped. The lion head hanging in someone's living room could be a cub's father. How awful is that! It bothers me the most that there are designated areas for trophy hunting. That's bullcrap. They deserve to live in the wild. A trophy isn't worth someone's life. Sometimes I just want to ask people, would you die for a trophy?

  3. Wow! If I were in a family with a lion head I would be ashamed. It would make me feel very sad. Look up http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/06/cecil-african-lion-anniversary-death-trophy-hunting-zimbabwe/ to learn about the people's favorite lion, Cecil. It is amazing how the world can get so worked up after just 1 lion and not about every lion. What do you plan to take from this to make a change?

  4. The spacing was really mis-behaving.


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