22 March, 2017

A "Silent Extinction" is Still an Extinction

Giraffes in Africa are currently suffering from silent extinction. In addition to drought, this is due to illegal hunting and expansion of farmland.The giraffes population has dropped 40% since the 1980s. If they continue at this rate giraffes will be extinct by 2024. Most people including zoo keepers do not know that our world's tallest land mammal could go extinct. Africa's population is growing which may lead to more poaching. I don’t know about you but when I think of Africa I think of the wildlife and giraffes. Imagine what it would be like without them. What can you do to help save these beautiful creatures?


  1. it is really sad what is happening to these creatures they really are wonderful. The illigal hunting is so unfair for these animals and is not right for the people doing it, is there any other ways for income, If they tried something else then they would not feel as bad. The farming expansion also sucks but people need to eat, and I feel bad but peoples lives do matter to. I just feel bad that anything is going extinct.

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  3. This made me really sad. Giraffes are so beautiful,and hunting them illegally is not okay.I look up more information,and i found out that populations of the world's tallest land creature fell to about 98,000 from an estimated 152,000-163,000 in 1985, according to the List compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature , due to illegal hunting and expansion of farmland!Farming is good,but I think that people need to think about what they are losing to gain land.


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