22 March, 2017

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate

Most people love chocolate. But most people also don't know that some companies make chocolate in ways that aren't so delicious. When you open a chocolate wrapper, you look at the outcome of the labor: the chocolate. What you don't know (or may care to think about) is thousands of people have put in hard work into that chocolate that you're eating. The problem is, some of these workers are slaves. They are being against their will to make that chocolate bar you're eating. You can help these people by raising awareness and only consuming chocolate from companies that don't use slaves. The companies will clearly state this fact with a logo on their wrapper. What will you do to help these people?
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  1. That is interesting. I knew there were slaves making food and other things, but chocolate? Chocolate is one of my favorite sweets. I always figured people just hired them in the factory, not had slaves. Do they collect the supplies for the chocolate or just make it? Next time I eat chocolate I will probably be reminded of this article.

    1. What will you do to help the problem?

  2. That is interesting, but no cool at all.People that produce chocolate shouldn't be able to use slaves. People shouldn't pay for things that are made be slaves. I just figured out that in Western Africa slaves grow cocoa beans and those cocoa beans supply cocoa to international giants such as Hershey’s, Mars, and Nestle. I think that those chocolate companies should stop buying from farms that use slave to produce their crops. Thank you for telling me that because I will try not to buy chocolate from companies that get cocoa from slaves.


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