24 March, 2017

What if Your Home Became Uninhabitable!

Climate change is a ongoing issue, but can you believe it got to the point where a home to many is now not safe to live in? As you would know Africa is a very dry and hot region, but Sudan takes it to a whole other leave. For instance in Sudan temperature are constantly rising, water supplies are running very low, soil is dry because several droughts are occurring. Dust storms are a increasing issue, the dust is thick and buries homes in thick dust.  In effect to these dust storms crops are also becoming ruined. Haboob is what they call dust storms in Sudan. When you see this video of a dust storm you will be shocked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKsF1Vto5Pw. Sudan is not very suitable for agriculture, and villages anymore it has very little rain and incredibly hot temperatures. In Sudan food is said to become very scarce. Climate change is a issue to many, but do you think that Sudan will be one of the first country's to become completely uninhabitable?


  1. Great post! (See me about the link)

  2. Wow, I had no idea that the dust storms would have such a large affect on the homes in Sudan. I looked at the video of the dust storm and I was actually scared. The hot temperatures make not having enough water seem so devastating. I really like that you have brought attention to a problem that not a lot of people know about.

  3. It is amazing at how nature is affecting places all over the world! I looked at the description of the dust storms in Sudan, and it is horrible. The storms are burying entire houses and getting rid of water supplies. This is not good news for the naturally dry region of Africa. You must have done a lot of digging to find lots of details on this problem. The video on the dust storms are scary. I would run the other direction if I saw a cloud of dust that size.


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