24 March, 2017

Africa's Amazing and Astonishing Tribes

Image result for African tribe bobo celebrationImage result for African tribe zulu beads and basketsAfrica is a very interesting place… they have many different tribes that all have very unique characteristics. Zulu is one of the interesting ones that I have noticed. They are one of the many tribes that make many things, they create brightly colored beads and baskets (left picture) as well as small carvings. Another tribe that caught my attention was Fang. They are known for their guardian figures which they attach to wooden boxes, they contain bones of the ancestors. The bones are said to contain the power of the dead person, in fact, the same amount of power that the person had while alive. In addition to those other awesome tribes there is one more that I want to tell you about, Bobo. This tribe made me interested first by its name, but then I read about them. They are known for the masks that they wear with elaborate outfits for celebration (right picture). There are many astonishing different tribes, more than I could tell you about. I challenge you to find one more different tribe and tell me about their interesting culture, or you could tell me your favorite thing about that tribe. I won't be that hard since there are over three thousand tribes in Africa.

Here are a few of the tribes for some help :)

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