05 November, 2014


Israel is cool to me because that’s where Jesus did all of his miracles (mostly in Jerusalem.) That is the country he picked, and everyone believed that he was the son of God, until the “military” persuaded them to think the opposite, that’s why they crucified him. But on the third day he rose again, and sits at the right hand of The Father. Other than Jesus and The Father, Israel is a very small country (8,522 sq. mi) which is smaller than Lake Michigan. Israel also now has more Jewish people than the U.S does (we used to have the most of them, but they past us.) Which is a big deal because the Jewish people are Gods chosen people.And Israel got it back. Do you think you would like Israel?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jake, Israel is the country that I did, so I have some other facts for you. Did you know Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of its neighbors combined. Also, for a little something about economy, Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. And to answer your question, Jake, I would like to visit the place where Jesus worked his magic.


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