06 November, 2014

Tallest Building in the World: The Burj Khalifa!!

An interesting place I would want to go to in the Middle East would be the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is in the United Arab Emirates. I would want to go there because it would be amazing to see all the views from high above. The Burj Khalifa is the tallest man-made building in the world at 2,225 including the tip of the building. It has 163 floors and took about 5-6 years to build.
Would you want to ever go there?


  1. So many elevators...such little time.What were they thinking!
    Did you know that Burj Khalifa has over 17 world records and is almost twice the size of the empire state building? It makes the empire state building look tiny.I would love to go there i can only imagine the view, it makes the other skyscrapers look like people.

  2. The tallest building that I have been to is the Sears Tower which is now called The Willis Tower. It is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere but only 1,353 feet which is 872 feet shorter than the Burj Khalifa. The Sears Tower was built in the 1970's. The Burj Khalifa was started in 2004 and completed in 2009. When they opened the Tower in 2010 they had over 10,000 fireworks, lots of light beams and over 800 stroboscopes. Would you have loved to see the opening ceremony of the Burj Khalifa?


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