06 November, 2014

Israel Religion Gardens???

Israel was a very interesting place with an interesting history too. My favorite part of their history is when Jesus Christ lived on earth. The reason is because Jesus performed miracles for the people. Jesus is the Son of God who created the heavens and the earth. Israel has a beautiful garden called the Garden of Gethsemane. The garden still lives today and is very beautiful. My question for you is, "Can you believe that the garden is still there after 2000 years?"
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1 comment:

  1. The Bahai Gardens, according to the author(and Jacob) is a garden that lasted 2,000 years. The reason it is hard to believe that the Bahai Gardens lasted 2,000 years because if you don't take care of your garden(like a good person) the entire garden wilts depending on what kind of plant. Wouldn't you want a garden that lasted over 2,000 years?


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