06 November, 2014


The Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is the largest space-launch center in the world. Although there has been many successful flights launched at the Cosmodrome, there has been one fail that I know of. That was the PAMELA. Let us focus on why it is famous. The Cosmodrome was the first space center to Launch a man into space. Also the first spacecraft sent to mars was launched from the Cosmodrome. The Cosmodrome was actually the test site for the first intercontinental ballistic missile. Why don’t you tell me about the other reasons that the Cosmodrome is famous? That way we all learn even more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The crash happened because the rocket was drifting sideways and tried to correcting itself but it went horizontal in the other direction at full thrust causing it to blow. Did you know there could be a lot of other missiles up there too! The outer space treaty says there can be no weapons of mass destruction including bio and nuclear weapons in space or on/near orbit of celestial bodies like moons and asteroids. However, giant 6 foot rods made of tungsten are still cool and ok! Watch this video.---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx5XyspHldk
    You’ll understand.What is the weirdest thing that has happened in space?

  3. Nice job. NASA discovered a comet fly by mars on Oct. Too bad PAMELA could see it in its robot life. That video looked like the rockets failed. Anyway there have been other fails :(. If it did not fail then that could have been a good jump in space discovery. Oh well there is always the future.


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