06 November, 2014

The Holy City!

The Holy City!

The special place I chose is Jerusalem. Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and is holy to Christians, Judaism, and Islam. It is considered to be the most holy city in the world! It is holy to Christians because that is where Jesus Christ occasionally traveled as a child, preached to the poor in his adult life, crucified in the end of his life, and resurrected by God. It is holy to Islam because they believe that is where Muhammad ascended into heaven and was given the 5 pillars of Islam from Allah, which is still used today. It is holy to Judaism because the memory of the city was a driving force that shaped the destinies of figures in Judaism, such as Yehuda Halevi. My challenge to you is to look up the major figures in each religion.  See you guys in the next blog.


  1. I really like your blog. The video told me a lot of stuff I didn't know about. Jews really had major problems with other countries. Did you know that the view from the Mount of Olives was dominated by the gleaming, gold-embellished Temple which was located in the most holy spot in the Jewish world and really God's world. This was the Lord's earthly dwelling place. He raised up people to perform rituals and ceremonies here. Is there anything else in this place that is interesting?

  2. Good post Tyler. I learned a lot about Jerusalem from your post and the video. I think it is sad that different religions kept getting kicked out of Jerusalem. I did not know that it is also one of the oldest cities in the world. I think that Jerusalem is one of the most interesting and important cities in the world. Do you?


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