06 November, 2014

Israel, the Small and the Successful

Israel is a very interesting place in the Middle East. I think this because, obviously, that’s the country Jesus was born (and more). Did you know its the 100th smallest country in the world? Yet being so small, it has the highest ratio of college degrees in the world. Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. Israel has the highest percentage in the world of home computers per person. I thought this was interesting. Pretty successful for being so small isn’t it?


  1. It’s interesting that such a small country can have the highest college graduation percentage but I guess it makes sense. With a country so small the government and teachers can really focus in on education and not have to worry so much about so much law enforcement and other things that larger countries require. Also, by the way, Canada has the highest graduation rate, not Israel. Israel is second. So is you source really reliable?

  2. I like the way you explained Israel, but you can’t forget about Jesus and his miracles. Israel also has the most Jewish people than anyone else in the world for the first time in over 100 years. That is pretty amazing considering we were ahead of them for that space of time. We have also been on their side for awhile and now we aren’t. Which is funny because God says that Israel will be alone at the end of time. It will be Israel and God vs. The world.

  3. Also, The D is silent


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