Muslims live in every corner of the world.Let’s start in the olden days, where it all began.It started in 622 CE in the Arabian Peninsula.Islam has many prophets and the last prophet was ProphetMuhammad.He brought Islam to the Middleast. Muslims meet in mosques to pray,worship, and study the ancient script.There are 2 kinds of Muslims,the Sunni and Shi'a,each of them with their different ways of worship and beliefs.Who do you think has more followers?
You made very good points, here is some other things you may have left out.Such as, did you know that Islam is based off of Judeo-Christian religions? There is also 5 pillars of Islam, the Shahadah, the Salat, the Zakat, the Sawm, and the Hajj. These are just a few things that you could include.
You made very good points, here is some other things you may have left out.Such as, did you know that Islam is based off of Judeo-Christian religions? There is also 5 pillars of Islam, the Shahadah, the Salat, the Zakat, the Sawm, and the Hajj. These are just a few things that you could include.