06 November, 2014

Christianity: Born from Judaism


Christianity was built off the Jewish religion. Both of these religions were based from Iran. Abraham was a Jew, he led the Jews with Yahweh, their God. The Jews went to Canaan to  settle for a long time, until they were exiled. Then Jesus came along, and that started Christianity. The people split up into people that thought Jesus was the messiah (Christians), and people that thought that he wasn't the messiah and still to this day thinks that the messiah will come (Jews). Who will you choose?

1 comment:

  1. Christianity sounds very interesting,but there are many religions in the world.It’s amazing how Christianity was invented because of another religion.It would be interesting if I knew how other religion were created.Did you know,in 392 AD Christianity became a official language of the Roman Empire.Why did you choose Christianity.


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