06 November, 2014

Palm Tree Islands

In my opinion Dubai is the best place in the world to visit as a tourists. In Dubai there is a man made island called the Palm Tree Island. The Palm Tree Islands is a place to relax and enjoy yourself. There are buildings all over the Palm Tree Island and even to the tips. There, at the Palm Tree Islands, many things are expensive. Also you can buy a strip of land but that would cost a lot as well. I don’t think if you get seasick you would like to live here. I would love to live here, would you?  

1 comment:

  1. Palm Tree Island sounds like a cool place! I don't know how I feel about it being expensive though. How expensive is it? Have you been there before? Is it a resort? As you can probably see, I have loads of questions! Is it a resort of some sorts? Overall, this sounds like pretty fun place!


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