06 November, 2014

Saudi Arabia's natural gas and Petroleum

 Saudi Arabia has 16% of oil reserves in the world. The giant Gharwar field contains approximately 75 million barrels of oil. Saudi Arabia is the biggest oil producer in the world and is the second largest petroleum exporter to the United States. Last year millions barrels of petroleum per day was produced.

Think about it, if every day millions of barrels of oil are extracted, wouldn't it soon be gone? Without oil our cars and planes wouldn't run, and no plastics would be made. Can you find and name a least ten things in your class which would not exist if we had no oil, petroleum, or natural gas?

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been looking at the oil and petroleum rates for a while now and I’d like to add something. You're asking what would happen once we run out of petroleum,oil and natural gas there are scientist trying to make an artificial oil to last humans for as long as they can while we wait for more oil and natural gasses. In the possibility that these scientist can’t make and mass produce that artificial oil people believe countries will fall financially and an all out war will happen, good thing they estimate oil will run out in 40 years right, RIGHT!


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