05 November, 2014

Harry Potter Fans Be Warned!

 Saudi Arabia is a very interesting place. First of all, it has a very wide variety of swords men. It is a common habit to practice sword fighting. And women are basically banned from working. They are also very strict about magic, so all Harry Potter fans, don't move to Saudi Arabia! All books that even mention magic   are immediately destroyed. People are put to death if they are seen with magic. And in order to get more money, you would have to buy your innocence. If you were accused of murder then you would have to pay $106,000 in order to be relieved of all charges! Well, i guess that people who love HP better be happy to live in the US! (The video you will be watching is a classic Saudi Arabian sword dancing)


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  3. Sarah, I really like your post! Of course women are banned from lots of stuff in Saudi Arabia, and that is another I like to live in the United States because they all have their own freedom. I wonder why Saudi Arabians hate magic?!? Do the all think that magic is cursed or something… Well I just looked it up and Saudi Arabians hate magic because it is highly against their religion and the government will behead anyone caught with magic. All in all you can tell Saudi Arabians hate magic. So do you believe in magic?

  4. I did researching and the national flag for Saudi Arabia symbolizes word fighting and military strength. It will be pretty cool to learn how to fight with a sword. I saw it on the news that two maids went to jail for practicing sorcery in the employers, wow! 10 years of prison just for that, I am glad I don't live Saudi Arabia. I wonder why Saudi Arabia hates magic so much?

  5. Hmm...so an entire country with Muggles, eh? I don't think I would last too long there. And given the treatment of women, I am pretty sure it is not a place I would like to visit.


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