06 November, 2014

Yemen, The Previous Gem Of Europe

Yemen, the once rich, beautiful country. The gem of the Middle East. Not only was Yemen the most luxurious, but the most populated. Every year Yemen would have an increase in young kidlets, out populating the other countries because it has the fourth largest growing population. Now, Yemen is very poor and is way over populated. This is because of corruption. About two thirds of the population, (which is 80 percent of the country) is poor. What do you think about Yemen and their overpopulation?


  1. Did you know that the population is becoming a problem? People in Yemen have been complaining of lessening security, food and electricity shortages. In fact, Yemen is beginning to face several long term challenges. Such as: depleting water supplies, high unemployment, scare food, and a high population. The high population may seem like a good thing but it actually isn't. How would you like to live in a family of 10 people with no food?

    1. Hey Elizabeth, I think that living with a family with 9 other siblings and no food would be so hard. I feel really all of those kids! Although, if they have been complaining, shouldn't they, ya know, stop having babies?


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