05 November, 2014

Middle Threast countries

There are many awesome countries in the Middle East, but according to Mr. Hopper, I can only do three countries, so here I go! I’ll start with The UAE, home of Abu Dhabi. Did you know that their police force consists of many expensive car brands, like Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Bugatti? They are also the home of the world’s largest skyscraper, the Burj Dubai. Another cool country in the Middle East is Eygpt. That is where the Great Pyramids of Egypt are located. That is also where the biggest cat is located! (AKA The Sphinx). The third and final country that I will name is Qatar. They are the world’s richest country by capital and they have the highest human development in the Arab world. It Is also going to be the home of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. I have a question for you. Do you have an interest in any of these countries? Tell me about it!  

1 comment:

  1. Ben, I'm not sure where the idea of a three-country limit came, but it wasn't from me. That being said, this is a great post! The "largest cat" part cracked me up. Well done!


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