05 November, 2014

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea located in Jordan is one of the most amazing and mysterious places on earth. The Dead Sea has the lowest elevation on Earth. The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world you can float there without trying due to the high salt level.. The Dead Sea is about 8.6 times saltier than the ocean. The Dead sea is so salty that no fish or mammals can live there only few bacteria. Would you ever visit the Dead Sea I would.


  1. The Dead Sea is very interesting, I learned that the Dead Sea is one of the main tourist attractions because of the waters properties and the big resorts on the beaches. I would love to travel to the Dead Sea, it sounds very fun and relaxing to float in the warm water, would you?

  2. I would also visit the Dead Sea. I think it is so cool that you can float on the water. I looked up the Dead Sea and it said that the surface of the Dead Sea is over 1,300 feet below sea level and the very bottom of the sea, in the deepest part, is over 2,300 feet below sea level! I can’t believe 35% of the water it the sea is dissolved salts and that it is almost six times as salty as the ocean! I agree with Sarah, it would be relaxing to float on warm water, but can you imagine getting a mouthful of the water?! Yeesh, SAAAAAALTYYYY!


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