06 November, 2014

Did Someone Say Shopping?!?!

Did you know that Dubai has the largest shopping mall in the world? This mall has an aquarium, catwalk, Olympic sized ice rink and galleries with entertainment for your entire family, so cool!! Emarr Malls Group is the developer of this mall, they must be getting a lot of coins. There's over 1,200 stories, over 12 million sq ft, and 14,000 parking spaces. When this mall opened on November 4, 2008, Edmarr was aiming for 15 million tourist. The aquarium has over 33,000 aquatic animals, including sharks and rays. There's also an adjoining 5-star hotel, wow this hotel is luxury!!!


  1. That is so cool! I loved what you said and I'm aiming to see it in person! This is so cool, I can’t believe how many sea creatures they have! This mall does seem luxury who. I loved what you said and thee topic you choose because who doesn’t love shopping? I know you do and this mall is the perfect place! I wonder how many stores they could fit in here? I loved you choose and it was a great topic!

  2. Oh my gosh! This mall looks awesome! I did not know that Dubai had such a fantastic mall! I want to go there! I looked the mall up and it said that they are adding a 30 minute space mission simulator! Do you think that you will ever go there? Thanks for sharing! I loved learning about the Dubai Mall!


  3. I did know that Dubai was the largest mall in the world I remember hearing about it a couple years ago. I didn't know though that Dubai had a ice rink inside of it though. When i looked up the dubai mall it said it was apart of a downtown complex. Did you know that the Dubai Mall is apart of the 20-billion Downtown Dubai Complex?

  4. The Mall sounds like a great time.With all those features there isn't any reason to get bored while you visit or shop.If a hotel can fit into the mall imagine what else could fit in there! Think about the endless possibles for new stores and restaurants.


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