06 November, 2014


The Middle East is interesting for many things, but I’m here to talk about food. When you think about food from the Middle East, what do you think about? Hummus perhaps? Hummus is probably the most popular food in the Middle East. Along with hummus, there are many other great foods there such as tahini, falafel, tabouleh, pits bread, baklawa, babaghannouj, foul mudammes, and turkish delights. I bet you’ve heard of turkish delights, right? that’s because they are a type of candy, and probably the most loved in the Middle East. Have you ever had one of the foods I’ve talked about?


  1. Have you ever been to Woody's here in Okemos by Starbucks? Well I have and all of the food you're speaking about they have it there! I think your blog was very interesting and very informational about the foods they have. Did you know that Pita Bread is considered the eldest bread in the world? And McDonald's has their own version of falafel in Egypt, it's called Mcfalafel.

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  3. Wow I wonder how all of those food taste! I say that because I only knew what hummus and pita bread were out of everything that you mentioned! But I liked how it was really exact and informative. Also, I googled what falafel looked like and it looked REALLY good! Lastly, I dont think that a lot of people spend much time on food in other places, but it is cool to compare the difference between food in america and the Middle East. So whoever reads this, should do that!


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