19 November, 2014

The Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem is the Holy place where Jesus Christ was buried and resurrected. Jesus is God, the creator’s, son, and came to Earth from heaven to experience what we do as humans. He came here to save us from eternal separation from God because of sin. During his life he performed miracles and told people about God. Jesus was later nailed to a cross and died, washing away our sins, allowing us to be forgiven and to be in heaven with God. Three days after being buried in this tomb he rose up again telling us that God conquers all and the only way to the father is to believe and trust in him.  That’s when and why we have Easter. Now the place is very popular and peaceful. Some people get excited to go to, say, New York;  just imagine the connection and happiness that is experienced here. Words can’t describe the amazingness of the Garden Tomb. If that isn’t enough reason to come here, what is?Photo of Garden Tomb

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