06 November, 2014

A City stuck in the past.

Located on the East half of Egypt Luxor is a city stuck in the past. First off the city
Is a  full of ancient sculptures and buildings.When you enter the city you’re greeted with gigantic statues representing gods.The CIty is literally is close or exactly the same as it was 500 years ago.Though no building in the area has been removed there were some that were added like restaurants stores and tours.This is area is also a group of cities that are close to the nile. The area is heavily populated and eventually rise when tourist come to visit during Summer vacation and spring break.If you had a choice to go here would you?

1 comment:

  1. I don’t know if Luxor is my kind of place. I mean, if this place is still like it was 500 years ago, something tells me that there isn’t going to be WiFi there! And limited service? I don’t think I’ll be able to live! If the city is full of ancient buildings and architecture, where does the Gamestop go? I also found out that it’s the “world’s greatest open air museum”. Now that spells b-o-r-i-n-g with a capital B! Sorry to Luxor, but I won’t be going there anytime soon. Unless we get to see the dead people at the West Bank Necropolis. Then I’ll go!


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