15 November, 2018

How to avoid the Cassandra curse...

I learned that warnings come in many different ways. And that it is important to heed them. If you don't the results could be catastrophic. If I needed to convince someone that something was going  wrong I would start to educate people about what is happening. then once they have the same insight about the subject I would start to encourage banding together and that would make it harder and harder to ignore. If that doesn't work than I would try to put the situation into something they actually care about, as well as target more respected people who are more open minded to help me and my cause. How would you deal with this situation?

1 comment:

  1. Banding would make it harder to ignore but what if you couldn't do that? What if the law was against it? Targeting someone they care about is smart. When targeting you have to make sure that you aren't putting them in serious danger if they wouldn't actually be hurt. Who would you target?


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