15 November, 2018

Catastrophe Coming Soon

     I learned in the Cassandra podcast that it is important to listen to everyone. People have good ideas and thoughts even if they don't seem very knowledgeable. You should at least give everyone a chance. Also, people will listen to you if you have some connection to the person or people your asking the favor from. It is helpful not to be asking for a big change, but sometimes it has to be a big change. For example, the Alaskan tunnel is a big issue and it needs to be addressed. I think that an idea to fix the problem would be to make the Alaskan tunnel like a freezer. It would freeze the carbon. It would take a lot of money, but I think it's worth it to help us. It is important to listen to everyone, and respect everyone's ideas.


  1. I totally agree with your statement. We all need to have an open mind about a lot of things and the tunnel is just one of them. I have one question for you, if there was one problem that you were yearning to fix, what would it be and how would you fix it?

  2. Those are some great things you said. Everyone does have useful ideas that they want shared but they just don't get the respect from some people. I agree with your idea about the Alaskan tunnel. Freezing would help. If you were the one that had a good idea, how would you make people listen and not ignore?


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