16 November, 2018


Apparently there are people that can see the future, which is cool. But no one will believe them at all, cause they think that they are lying. If i could see the future but no one believed me I would prov to them that I can, and do something...
or just beg. I thought that the pod cast was cool, but a video would be waaaaaaaaaay better.
I don't fully believe that there are people who can see the future but if its true than I would want to see the future. But ya, over all I give this podcast a 7/10.THANK YOU

1 comment:

  1. Ok I see what you are trying to do but why would you try to do but why don't you try to convince other people not other people that way and if they believe you tell them to convince other people with proof so that I have a large amount of people that believe me so that we can stop the event is happening


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