15 November, 2018

Cassandra podcast was sponsored by Capitol One

        From the podcast I learned that the Cassandra effect is when someone can see and predict what is going to happen in the future, but people don't always listen to the person predicting the future. Cassandra people can warn people about what is going to happen in the future and the bad things that's gonna happen, and ways people can prevent it, but when people don't listen to them their warnings bad things can happen and if they listen they could prevent a lot of things. The permafrost organic soil contain a lot of  Carbon Dioxide and they are frozen underground, they have 2x as much carbon dioxide then the atmosphere. Due to global warming the permafrost are starting to melt and if they all melt the world will overheat and die. Do you think Cassandra people should be trusted?

1 comment:

  1. This is great blog absolutely amazing. This is better than any blog i've done. I shall answer your question I think that cassandra people should be trusted because people should heed warnings. Now I have a challenge for you heed people's warnings no matter what.


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