15 November, 2018

Listen to This

Listen to this. You might have to hear people's thoughts and warning because something can go seriously wrong with your friends and be in trouble by not listening. For example, if you keep making your friend uncomfortable he will tell the teacher and you will get in trouble and end up breaking up with your friend because of your problem. That’s not even with your friend it’s for everyone. Like if someone saying seriously there is a tornado coming you listen that’s your choice making it and you will end up something bad or not or nothing happens because it’s a lie.
Here is a question are listening to them seriously?

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a really good job on your post! I like how you addressed the effect of not listening and reacting to warnings, and I totally agree that not listening to someone has major effects whether large or big. In my opinion you focused on a smaller problem one that many people could relate to. I just have one question, what would you do if someone didn’t listen to you?


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