15 November, 2018

Modern-Day Cassandras: How To Get People To Heed Your Warnings

The legend of Cassandra is an ancient Greek myth. In the story, there was a woman named Cassandra who could see the future. She would always warn people of disaster before it would happen. However, she had a curse. People would never listen to her warnings, and would never take the actions required to avoid catastrophe. In this post, I'm going to tell you how to avoid this curse; how to get people to heed your warnings.

First of all, you need to present the warning with clear speech and evidence. If you don't, people will not fully understand your warning or just think you're delusional. Second, you need to present the warning one step at a time. If you get too far ahead of everyone else, they will lose you or deny that the warning is valid. Third, you can't argue with people. They tend to get defensive and stubborn if you warn them in an argumentative way. Last, you need to help people make connections to the problem. If they relate to the problem, they will be more likely to help.

So there you have it!If you follow these steps, people will be sure to heed your warnings, and disaster will be prevented every time. If you were Cassandra, how would you change your warnings so people would listen? Think about that next time you are in that situation.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. You should always present the warning clearly so people don't get the wrong message.


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