15 November, 2018

The Cassandra Effect

The lesson I learned from this podcast is that if someone is telling you something, no matter if it is a peasant talking to a king, or a little kid talking to an adult, if they have good supporting reasons, you should listen to them. Basically, even if someone has no authority compared to you, if they have good reasons to back them up, they should be listened to. Sometimes might not even want to listen to the hard truth, because they don't want it to happen. Let's say you have a test the next day, and you didn't study. Your mom is telling you to study, and that if you don't, you will get a bad grade. You obviously don't listen and continue doing whatever random thing you were doing, but come on, you know it's true. So next time some little kid tells you the hard truth, suck it up and listen to him.

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