17 March, 2015

Amazing Sites of Mount Bromo

One place in Indonesia that I find very unique (I am trying not to use the word “very” a lot) is the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. Mount Bromo is located in East Java, Indonesia and is a very popular tourist attraction. In this park there are various amounts of different wildlife, there are about 137 species of bird, 22 species of mammal, and four species of reptile in this park. This national park is named after its two mountains: Mount Semeru (the highest mountain in Java) and Mount Bromo (the most popular mountain in Java). Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is the only preservation that includes a Sand Sea, which is the caldera of the ancient volcano named Tengger, from which four new volcanic cones have appeared. If you like to learn about volcanoes and animals, then check out the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. Do you like to learn about volcanoes or animals?


  1. Hi Mya! I love animals! I think that the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is really cool because it has Sand Sea. Did you know that the park covers about 497 miles? Of that 497 miles, six-ish of those miles are taken up by just the Sand Sea! One of the volcanos there, Mt. Semeru, rises 4119 yards above sea level. When you reach the top of Mt. Bromo, you better wear a jacket because it can get pretty chilly.The national park arlso has many protected animal like the marbled cat, long tailed macaque, panthers and many other endangered creatures. You should take a look at Jake’s post about mountains in Malaysia, I know mountains and volcanoes aren’t the same thing, but I am pretty sure they are darn close!

  2. Hey Mya! I love animals! Especially camels! I don't know why, but they can be used for lots of things like transportation and stuff! Did you know this feature covers a total area of 5,250 hectares at an altitude of about 2,100 m? It has also been protected since 1919! It's been open for quite a long time! It also has height differences between 200-600 meters! Crazy right? Although they're not exactly alike, you should read Lottie-Brookes blog. It's very interesting because she talks about temples and temples and volcanos remind of India. I don't know why!


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