19 March, 2015

The Dragons Bay

Vietnam is one of the most rural yet beautiful countries in the world and it's Halong Bay is no exception. First discovered in 16000 BC the lake spans a large area of  1553 km and is one of Vietnam's best attractions.  The Lake in person has been described as magnificent,  and expansive.  Most people use a ferry to travel across the large lake.  Some people travel to Vietnam just to see the amazing bay.  Due to it being a main tourist attraction the government of Vietnam has made a large amount of rules that prevent the bay or any other area of the country to be over polluted, which has benefited the country largely when it comes to lowering pollution.  The bay is one of the most beautiful places in the country.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kyle, I really like your post! I never knew a bay could be that big! If you read Hamil’s post he says that there are more than 2000 islands, and I found out that they call it the Bay of Descending Dragons because people used to think that they saw snake-like creatures or dragons from the mountains! When you were typing about how people described it, it made me feel like I was standing right there! Great job Kyle!


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