02 October, 2014

Fun with Food!

Hey guys, today we are going to talk about food choices. There are so many places you can go to for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that most of the time you just eat at home. Besides it’s really hard to find a good consistent food place. But, once you have one you just automatically go there. If I want to eat out for breakfast, me and my family go to Coney Island Grill. We go there and I almost always get the same thing (water, with a bacon and cheese omelet, white toast, and hash browns). Every time we go there we always get great food, good service, and the best thing about it, I always have leftovers! So, the main reason reason we go back is because Coney Island is consistent and we can count on their business. That’s what you should look for in a restaurant, consistency. Well, you wouldn’t want to hang out with someone who is super nice one day and super mean the next right! So, what do you think is the most consistent restaurant in Okemos? Talk to you later, bye!  consistency


  1. I agree, you don't want to go to a place and love the food but the next time you go its not as good.It kind of makes you not want to go even if the food the next time is OK,you just kind of feel like you got all happy for nothing.I want to know would you go back to a place where the food isn't as good?

  2. I agree with you I would always love to have great service and food, but I don’t. I think my favorite restaurant with the best service is Olive Garden because it has great food, great service, and great looks. Also you are right about if you would hang out with a nice and mean person one day and one another, in my experience I would not want to hang out with a mean person. Where would you want to go with the best service?


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