16 October, 2014

Superstitious Ancient Greeks

All of the Ancient Greeks were very superstitious. Their superstitious beliefs depended on what religion they were from. For example: It is believed that spitting chases the devil away. If somebody compliments a baby, child, or an adult on its beauty, the person that complimented them has to spit on that person 3 times -which in my opinion is kind of gross- or they will catch the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye is a superstition the ancient Greeks believed in. They believed that you catch the Evil Eye from someone else’s jealous compliment or envy. A person who gets it usually feels physically or psychologically bad. To get rid of the Evil Eye, someone must tell you a special prayer to release the Evil Eye from the certain person. Those are two kinds of superstitions the Ancient Greeks believed in. What kind of superstitions do you believe in?   


  1. Okay? Usually I would love to be complemented, but not on the price of being spit on. (not worth it.) I really like your blog though. Not only is it factual , but super entertaining! In some ways I understand why they had to spit on someone, but I wonder why they thought some Evil Eye thing would come and attack them. I have a ton of superstitions like I don’t like stepping on cracks because I believe something bad will happen. I also don’t want to break any mirrors. I totally believe in karma. Usually when someone does something annoying to me they’ll get paid in full. Anyways….. oh! Do you believe in something so strongly that you rather lick a llama than break what you believe in?

  2. I really like this post AND the comment! Good stuff, ladies!


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