16 October, 2014

The Battle of Marathon

Ancient Greece is one of the places we are learning about in Social Studies class. One of the biggest wars in Ancient Greece was The Battle of Marathon. The Battle of Marathon was where the Athens and the Spartans fought for control of Greece. Before this the Athens destroy the Persian empire to take control of Greece. Sparta didn't like it, the fought the Athens at a place called Marathon. For several days, the two armies stood and stared at each other before fighting. Eventually, the Spartans destroy the Athens army, also taking control of Ancient Greece. I really liked this battle because I like fighting. What comes to your mind when you think of Ancient Greece?

1 comment:

  1. Well of course you like fighting Jake. I liked your post because it had things that I did not know about the Battle of Marathon. I think it’s kind of creepy that they just stood and stared at each other for a while. And if you want to know what comes to my mind when I think of Ancient Greece, look at my post, and don’t slap me again.


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