16 October, 2014

The Trojan Horse

You probably know the story about the Trojan horse, but did you know that the Greeks were the ones who created that plan? What happened to the Greeks and Troy according to myth, is that the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and delivered it to Troy. Later that night, all of the Greek army had been crammed into the wooden animal and then climbed out. They burned down Troy and then returned home. I have always thought that that interesting Greek myth was very cool and clever of the Greeks. I mean, would you have thought of that?

1 comment:

  1. Jackie Reilly, this post is extremely interesting. I had no idea that the Greeks created and masterminded the trojan horse, I thought the Trojans did, (if those are real people?). I must have taken a really long time to build the horse too, eh? I wonder how long it took and type of wood they used. Also, I wonder what the Trojan guards were thinking when a huge horse came up to their fort. Was it not at all suspicious?
    To answer your question Jacqueline, of course I would have thought of the trojan horse, you know me.


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