16 October, 2014

Trojan The Wooden Pony

Trojan The Wooden Pony

After 10 years at war the Greeks decided to build a huge wooden pony.They pretended to sail away, but inside that pony was a secret force.The Trojan’s pulled the horse inside as a victory trophy,but at night the Greek force came out and opened the gate for the rest of the Greek army.They entered,destroyed the city of troy and won the war.That takes a lot of courage to sneak in risking your life.Would you ever do anything like that to win or to prove a point, have you ever taken something into your house not knowing that there was something in or on it?


  1. I feel like some super competitive people would do something like that just to win. For example, my sister once wanted to prove that she was better than me at dance, and she made this whole competition trying to beat me. Obviously, I won, because i dance competitively, but she made an effort. This just goes to show that people would do a lot of thing just to be right! Have you ever tried to prove someone wrong?

  2. Those Greeks are awesome. That's such a cool idea. I bet you can see Andrea and I charging in on the city. That would be so fun. It would be like sneak....... sneak.......sneak. Building that pony would take forever and wouldn't it be really hard to fit through the door or would have those giant doors. To answer your last question I did once bring in a frog not knowing it was pregnant. boy did that give me a surprise.


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