16 October, 2014

Ancient Greece!

Ancient Greece is a very interesting place. I thought that it would have been horrible to live in Sparta because when you were born, if they thought that you were too sick or weak they would leave you to die. I think that that is kind of dumb and I also think that it is bad that all they care about is war. I think that living in Athens would be a great place to live because it seemed a lot nicer than Sparta. I think it would be great to live in Athens because the people I live with would care about other things beside war. If I had to live in one of the two Greek civilizations, I would definitely live in Athens. If you had the choice, where would you live? 


1 comment:

  1. Owen, in many reasons you are correct about the ways of life in these Greek superpowers. Definitely I would rather live in Sparta than Athens just because of the fact that life there is rough from a young age. Also in Athens, the people would specialize in jobs other than war like artisans, philosophers, and the like. However, the only reason Athens was taken over by Sparta was because the nation caught a plague killing one-third of their troops. Do you think that Athens deserved to be taken over or not?


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