16 October, 2014

Alexander the Great

      Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, Macedonia. At the age of 20 Alexander formed forces in Greece and he was named their leader. He soon after invaded the Persian and the Egypt empire and defeated them. He became the king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. While king he established many cities that were then named after him. He took over many empires and never lost a battle. But only 13 years after he became king he had died and the empire started to decline. Alexander died at a very young age and is unfortunate don't you think?


  1. It is very tragic that he died at such a young age. King Tut also died at a young age while ruling. I have noticed some similarities between the Egyptians and the Greeks. Both of the cultures worshipped multiple gods. They both had myths to explain things. They also believed in some sort of afterlife. They both had long running empires. Do you think the Egyptians and Greeks were similar?

  2. Good job it’s very good. Alexander the great sounded like a awesome person. It’s amazing he defeated the persian empire at age 20. It’s very unfortunate that he died at such a young age. He could of done even greater things. I wonder what I would say to him if he was still alive. What would you say to him?


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