16 October, 2014

Culture, food, and Harry Potter.

What are the Greeks most known for? Is it the mythological gods? The food? Or the Olympics? It’s true that the Olympics have carried on for thousands of years. Yet it might just be the second thing Greeks were known for. The first is probably Harry Potter. Did you know, that enough Harry Potter books have been bought to circle the globe 3 times? Let’s take a look behind the scenes to the world of mythology.

Fluffy: The three headed dog. Cerberus was the three headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld. In the book Hagrid says he won Fluffy off of a ‘Greek chappie’. In other words: Hades. In the book,Harry uses Hagrid’s flute to put Fluffy to sleep. In the movie, Quirrell enchants a harp to lull Fluffy to sleep. Orpheus puts Cerberus to sleep in the story Orpheus and Euridice.

Harry Potter’s scar: The same shape as Zeus’s weapon. Zeus was king of the Gods, and it was said that thunderstorms occurred when he was angry. Just as Harry is the main character, Zeus is king.

Hermione: Married Achilles’ son Neoptolemus. He was killed by Orestes, together they had the son Tisamenus.

Argus Filch: The caretaker that’s always snooping around. In the myth, Zeus was cheating on his wife Hera. So Hera didn’t guess, he turned Princess Lo into a little white calf. Hera guessed anyway, and sent Argus the 100 eyed beast to watch over her.

Hedwig: Symbol of the goddess of war. {Athena}. Most gods had a symbol, that they took with them or appeared with.

Year 4 sphinx: In the 4th year, Harry entered the maze and was asked a question by a sphinx. In the tale of Oedipus, he was walking into Athens and met a sphinx that asked him a question. He answered the question correctly, and the sphinx threw herself off of the cliff.

Minerva Mcgonagall: In other words, Athena. She was the daughter of Metis, the first wife of Zeus.  

Centaurs: Bane, Ronan, etc. Half man, half horse. Featured in many Greek myths. And in Harry Potter, Narnia, and Percy Jackson. Harry first meets them when they save him from Lord Voldemort. Percy meets Chiron. In Narnia well, they’re just there.  

Thanks for reading! Check out this site:
And check out this video!

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  1. I love Harry Potter and Greek mythology. It makes so much sense how Harry Potter and Greek mythology are connected together. I like how Harry Potters scar is related to Zeus’s lightning bolt. I love the video. I liked it when he burnt Dragco. Can you tell me more about Hermione?

  2. I have seen Harry Potter and it's fine. I think Greek Mythology isn't real. I mean creatures? Gods? Monsters? No way you are getting me to think Greek mythologly is real.

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    2. Haha you are going to a get a firm talking to from Elizabeth about it being "fine" and you have ''seen" it, just a warning run while you can! I agree with you on the last part, but I do think that they are good stories and entertainment.

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