16 October, 2014

Ancient Greeks Are Bae

You eat beans for dinner sometimes, right? Well, guess what, the Ancient Greeks didn't. They believed that beans contained the souls of the dead! Wrestling was the toughest event to do in the Olympics in Ancient Greece. You could compete however you wanted to, no rules. Plus you had to fight naked, NASTY. Do you like to act? The Ancient Greeks did. They’re the ones who invented the theater. Only men and young boys were aloud to be actors. They wore masks that showed whether they were happy or sad. Would you have liked to live in the past and be like the Ancient Greeks?


  1. Anna!
    I would like to live now, because I have my phone and instagram is my favorite thing to like seriously, how'd they get around being bored all the time. I really liked your BLOG! I can’t believe they fought NAKED! When did they stop wrestling, finally when somebody got hurt? or killed. they would be so awkward. I also can't believe they created the first theatre! It would seem that there too poor to do anything but i suppose that some of they were rich. But i liked what you said because i said the same thing about the theatre. Do you like living in the present or would you rather like back then?

  2. I would like to live now, because we have all this technology and there’s so many thing we have now then back in Ancient Greece. I definitely love my phone and I probably couldn't go a day without it. I really can’t believe that they had to fight naked, THAT’S NASTY! It’s crazy how only boys could do theater, women definitely have more power now than in Ancient Greece. I really LOVE your blog! I think you really put a lot of detail into it. Would you like to go back in time to experience Ancient Greece?


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