16 October, 2014

Ancient Greeks And Theater?

Did you know that Ancient Greeks invented theater? Well I didn't. They loved watching plays and creating their own. Some theaters they built could even hold 15,000 people, thats a lot of people! Only men and boys were allowed to perform. Women didn't get this option. Back then they didn't have makeup of face paint. Instead they used two sided masks to create the character. Sometimes they tricked the audience by switching they masks during the play! Do you like theater? Would you ever belong to a theater?

1 comment:

  1. Clohe;)
    I wish that women were aloud to act back then. Your blog is very informational, I never knew the Greeks invented theater! That’s so cool. I know I totally would want to be part of a theater, would you? It seems like it would be a lot of work trying to change masks though.


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