16 October, 2014

The Gods of Greece

A long time ago, in a land far, far away, people worshiped these guys. Well, actually, they were gods. The most known gods were Zeus, the king of the gods, Poseidon, the sea and horse god, and Hades, the god of death. These guys are commonly known as the big three because a long, long, long, long, looooooooooooooooong time ago, the earth was ruled by titans. The king was the father of all the gods. The name of this titans name was Cronus and he ate all of his children. One day his wife, Rhea, had a child named Zeus. Before Cronus could eat Zeus, Rhea tricked Cronus into eating rocks instead. After this, Zeus slayed Cronus and freed all of his brothers and sisters. Together they all ruled Olympus together forever and ever. GREECE!!!


  1. Hey Eli good post. The only problem is that Zeus did not trick the father it was the mother so you should probably change that to get full credit. But other then that every thing is good. I think that it is really cool that Zeus freed the others I guess that's why he was the king of gods. I forgot who the son is of Zeus?

  2. I have always wanted to learn a lot about the Gods of Greece. You helped me learn a little bit about the Gods of Greece. My favorite god is probably Hades or Zeus. I really like your post. The thing I want to know is who is your favorite god?

  3. The son and daughter of Zeus and Hera was every Greek god and goddess ever created.


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