16 October, 2014

The Hills are Alive with the Sounds of Greeks

The theatre arts began in Greece when the people worshiped and had festivals for their many gods. They honored one of their gods, Dionysus with a festival called  "City Dionysia". Especially in Athens men would sing and present plays to welcome Dionysus.This tradition was spread around to their allies becoming very important to the Greeks. Later almost every Greek city had a theater on a hillside that could have up to 15,000 people there in audience. Although you make think the Greeks were just about seriousness and most of their performances were , but surprisingly their plays were often humorous. The actors were all boys/men who wore masks, wigs, thick soled shoes and goat skin coats. Even though the plays that are put on now are very different from the original ones in Greece that's where it all started. Thank you Greeks! How else do you think our culture was influenced by the Greeks?   (Who got the title reference?)     

Image result for ancient greek theatre history


  1. Good job Lottie, and I didn't know that theater start in Greek I though only the Olympics start there, and I couldn't believe that all that audience would be there and I would love to go and see how they celebrate personally because it sound like a lot of fun.
    What about you would you like to be there too?

  2. Nice job lottie. I never new this is about the greeks and I never knew about that god. I didnt know that the greeks started theater. I would like to be there and see the greeks sing and perform plays. Would you do a play if you were there with them.


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