16 October, 2014

Ancient Greek Pottery

                Ancient Greeks were a sophisticated society along with their amazing art and pottery. The Greeks were one of the first civilizations to invent pottery and some tools to paint and decorate their pieces of art. Not only did their painting on the pottery depict their style of life, but it also was very durable so modern-day scientists can figure out the time the pieces of art were made. Over the years, the artists of the region began to adopt styles from countries of the Asia Minor like flowing vines, flowers, and animals. Most of all, the Greeks used to make pots and other things about their gods. Most of their pottery showed such images of Zeus, Achilles, Athena and other gods with clothing, facial features, and weapons in red and yellow. Personally, I think the Greeks were a very well balanced civilization from war to art. Let me know what you think of this in the comments below.



  1. Good post Sufwan! I agree with you that the Greeks are a very balenced civilization between art and war. I didn't know that they put mostly gods, flowers, animals and vines on their pottery. I also did not know that the weapons on their pottery were all red and yellow. I think that the Greeks were very good at pottery. Do you think that?

  2. Good job on your post. I wonder why their weapons were only red and yellow. I think Greeks are good at art and pottery. I didn't know that they adopted different styles of designs. I agree with you that Greeks were balanced between war art. I think that studying Greek pottery helps us understand their culture. Do you think so?


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