21 October, 2014

Teens are not all the same!

I think that parents/guardians or adults think that every teen posts inappropriate pictures or videos . Well that’s not the case. Most teens are responsible with their social media accounts. Adults think this because other teens are posting inappropriate pictures or videos.  My mom used to prohibit any social media. Then I told her that  there can be some guidelines. She can be my follower and see what I’m posting or looking at. She can also be my follower. Parents also think that people can steal your information one by one. That’s not true either. I made my Instagram private so that people have to request to be my follower and if I don’t know them, I decline their follow request. There are some problems like self-esteem and confidence. Some people make you feel bad by posting mean comments. Don’t worry about them. They are just haters. Haters gonna’ hate, am I right! Now that I told you what I think, tell me what you guys think about social media in the comments below.

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