16 October, 2014

Ancient Greek Theatre

In Ancient Greece, both men and women were entertained by theatre. If men weren’t busy with military business they would usually got to the theatre for entertainment. The theatre put on comedies, tragedies, and plays people could relate to. The theatre would also put on plays that included current politics and gods in different forms. Women were not allowed to watch theatre or be a part of it, and because they weren’t allowed to be a part in the plays, men would do the women’s roles on their own. The women’s lives in Ancient Greece mostly involved domestic work such as: spinning, weaving, and other duties. Women were never involved in public life or politics. They mostly spent their time at home doing work, which I don’t think is fair. Why do you think women were treated so differently the others?


  1. Wow, I feel so bad for the women. That would really be a really sad life. Theater would be so fun but the fact that all the men took control and got to do all the fun stuff like theater, Olympics, military stuff is just wrong. I wonder what the comedies would've looked like from Ancient Greeks. I think the women were treated differently because the men might not have thought the were as strong, smart, or talented. What is your favorite genre to watch?

  2. Great job on the post Mya!!! I wonder if there was any part in an act that would included a women, because it wouldn't right if men acted like women didn't exist(and I believe women should belong in an act too). I don’t get how that both men and women were entertained by theater when women weren't allowed to watch it?


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