16 October, 2014

Let the Games Begin!

I love watching the Olympics. Do you know where this event came from? If you said the most awesome country in the world, Greece, then you would be correct. The Olympics games were originally only a one day festival of athletics and wrestling. Then it became a five day festival; the first day was devoted to sacrifices. The second day was devoted to races. The races would help the athletes increase their speed and, in the last race, the athletes would wear body armor.They would run 384 to 768 meters. This would help them build up stamina and prepare them for war. Sadly, one-hundred oxen were sacrificed during the middle days; also, the athletes prayed and made small sacrifices themselves.The last three days would include horse-racing, sprinting, long-jumping, javelin- hurling, discus- throwing, wrestling, and the most dangerous sport of all: boxing. If you had a chance to travel back in time and participate in these Olympics, what sport would you compete in?


  1. If I were back in the ancient Olympics, I would probably choose sprinting even though I am not that good at it. I think that the other sports would be harder to do, so I enjoy the events we do these days way better. I like how the events extended from a few events to 100 events for today. I also love watching the Olympics! What sports do you like to watch?

  2. Great job! I didn’t know that wrestling was part of the ancient Olympics. I think that the idea of having the Olympic games was a smart of the Greeks. Sacrificing was a bad idea in the Olympic games because it is violent and unnecessary. What other sports do you think the Greeks had in the ancient Olympics?


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